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The following forms are required for any student-athlete wishing to participate and are due on the day of tryouts. These forms are good for 365 days and must be valid throughout the season. Bring all documents completely filled out to the coach on the day of tryouts. If you have played another another sport and your forms are current, please get a copy of your physical from Coach Crider and print a new Sportsmanship Contract to bring with you to tryouts. Participation will not be permitted without ALL of these documents!


1.        Sports Physical - EL2

2.        Consent Form - EL3

3.        Insurance Verification

4.        Sportsmanship Contract (For Each Sport Played)

5.        Copy of Birth Certificate (New to Stanton Students)

6.        Athletic Recruiting (Transfer Students Only)


1149 West 13th Street - Jacksonville, FL 32209
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